DOT's major highway program: evaluation of - A 561; S 498
Educational Communications Board Radio Network - A 582, 1004
Educational Communications Board Radio Network - S 521, 891
Educational Communications Board Television Network - A 583, 1004
Educational Communications Board Television Network - S 521, 891
Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program review - A 74, 985; S 86, 860
Family Care pilot program evaluation - A 310; S 270
Green Bay/Brown County Professional Football Stadium District: hiring goals for minorities and women re Lambeau Field reconstruction
 - A 977; S 847
HIRSP financial audit - A 553, 925; S 498, 758
Hospital emergency department services: use of by MA recipients - A 657
Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund financial audit
 - A 995; S 872
Inmate property management re Corr.Dept's Division of Adult Institutions
 - A 432; S 410
Investment Board evaluation - A 999; S 885
Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants program: Office of Justice Assistance's administration of - A 154; S 142
Legislative Technology Services Bureau audit - A 554; S 502
Medical Assistance program benefits, including BadgerCare: evaluation of process for determining eligibility - A 990; S 864
Mendota and Winnebago Mental Health Institutes: financial audits
 - A 352, 981; S 354, 852
Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) District - A 106; S 115
Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club: limited-scope review of finances
 - A 936; S 788
Opportunities Industrialization Center of Greater Milwaukee, Inc.
(OIC-GM): review of administration of W-2 program - A 998; S 879
Pesticides and fertilizers: review of revenues and expenditures generated by fees and surcharges - A 368; S 373
Petroleum Inspection Fee Revenue Obligations Program - A 582, 1003
Petroleum Inspection Fee Revenue Obligations Program - S 515, 889
Purchasing card program of the state - A 307; S 269
Restorative justice programs in Milwaukee and Outagamie counties
 - A 967
State Fair Park annual financial audit - A 357, 967; S 368, 815
State of Wisconsin financial and compliance audit - A 153, 917
State of Wisconsin financial and compliance audit: follow-up - S 223
Universal Service Fund financial audit - A 317, 985; S 331, 860
U.W. Madison Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention and the Medical College of Wisconsin - A 89; S 106
U.W. System staffing evaluation - A 987; S 862
WHA radio - A 63, 592; S 78, 522
WHA television - A 63, 583; S 78, 521
Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired evaluation
 - A 180; S 152
Wisconsin lottery - A 207, 962; S 182, 802
Wisconsin Public Broadcasting Foundation Inc.'s Television Fund and Radio Fund - A 583, 1005
Wisconsin Veterans Home at King: nursing staff issues - A 662; S 596
legislative council Legislative Council
Annual report on the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse - S 148, 617
General Report of the Joint Legislative Council to the Legislature
 - A 983; S 857
Legislation on Public and Private Broadband (AB-135) (RL 2003-04)
 - A 140; S 130
Special Committee on Condominium Law Revision (RL 2003-10)
 - A 184; S 155
Special Committee on Developmental Disabilities (RL 2003-12)
 - A 167; S 149
Special Committee on Guardians Ad Litem in Actions Affecting the Family (RL 2003-11) - A 167; S 148
Special Committee on Improving Wisconsin's Fiscal Management: recommendations - A 10
Special Committee on Improving Wisconsin's Fiscal Management (RL 2003-03) - A 149; S 136
Special Committee on Mental Health Parity (RL 2003-06) - A 149; S 136
Special Committee on Navigable Waters Recodification (RL 2003-14)
 - A 394; S 388
Special Committee on Recodification of Town Highway Statutes
(RL 2003-13) - A 575; S 515
Special Committee on Relative Caregivers (RL 2003-05) - A 152; S 142
Special Committee on Review of Fireworks Law (RL 2003-07)
 - A 149; S 136
Special Committee on Review of the Open Records Law (RL 2003-01)
 - A 149; S 136
Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations (RL 2003-02) - A 301; S 256
Special Committee on the Public Health System's Response to Terrorism and Public Health Emergencies (RL 2003-02) - A 184; S 155
Special Committee on Use of Prescription Drugs for Children (RL 2003-09)
 - A 149; S 136
legislative reference bureau Legislative Reference Bureau
[Annual report] - A 426
medical college of wisconsin Medical College of Wisconsin
Biennial report - A 159, 994; S 142, 875
milwaukee public schools Milwaukee public schools
"High/Scope All-Day Five-Year-Old Kindergarten Program and High/Scope First Grade Program" - S 62, 596
Pupils transferred outside their attendance area without written consent: statistics on - A 935; S 169, 773
natural resources, department of Natural Resources, Department of
Capacity building grant award: activities report - A 966; S 817
Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program Progress Report - A 478
Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program Progress Report - S 455, 879
Environmental Improvement Fund (EIF) biennial finance plan
 - A 153, 342, 989; S 135, 349, 868
Groundwater Coordinating Council report - A 346, 981; S 354, 852
Voluntary Party Liability Exemption status report - A 988; S 868
Wildlife Damage Abatement and Claims Program report - A 243, 966
Wildlife Damage Abatement and Claims Program report - S 218, 812
Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) report - A 984; S 367, 852
physical disabilities, council on Physical Disabilities, Council on
Annual report - A 568; S 498, 892
public instruction, department of Public Instruction, Department of
Bilingual-bicultural education programs status - A 913; S 741
Legislative Report on Charter Schools - A 592; S 525
New charter school petitions or proposals: actions taken - A 997; S 882
Preschool-to-Grade-5 (P-5) evaluation reports - A 89, 907; S 741
Preschool to Grade 5 Program: annual status report - A 97
Preschool to Grade 5 Program: annual status report addendum - A 979
School Performance Report summary  - A 913; S 747
Special education eligibility criteria: study re effect of modifications on
 - A 302
Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) program report
 - A 975; S 845
2000-01 to 2002-03 Inter-District Public School Open Enrollment Program report - S 879
public service commission Public Service Commission
Alliant Energy Corp. re impact on the operations of Wisconsin Power and Light Company - A 984; S 858
Alliant Energy Corp. re impact on the operations of Wisconsin Power and Light Company and Wisconsin Gas Company - A 993
Environmental assessment or impact statement prepared re s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats - A 368, 983; S 367, 857